This information applies to Hofors, Ockelbo and Sandvikens municipality.
Agriculture and animal husbandry
Västra Gästriklands samhällsbyggnadsförvaltning is responsible for environmental supervision on farms. This involves checks and assessments of agricultural activities to ensure compliance with the rules of the Environmental Code and to limit negative impacts on the environment.
Examples of what can be checked
- Self-monitoring
- Animal species, animal units
- Manure handling, storage and spreading
- Volume and location of tanks
- Pesticides, handling, storage and application
- Storage and handling of other chemical products
- Waste management
- Workshop activities
- Drainage
- Refrigerant installations
Larger farms are charged an annual fee. Smaller farms are charged an hourly fee for visits. Charging is done according to the tariff established by the municipal council.
Requirements for notification or authorization
Farms with permanent animal husbandry of more than 100 animal units must be notified to Västra Gästriklands samhällsbyggnadsförvaltning. Farms with permanent animal husbandry of more than 400 animal units must apply for a permit from the County Administrative Board.
Manure spreading in winter
According to Section 23a (SJVFS 2004:62), manure and other organic fertilizers spread during the period 1 December - 28 February must be broken down within 12 hours. The supervisory authority may grant an exemption if circumstances have arisen that the operator could not and should not have foreseen and could not influence.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Västra Gästriklands samhällsbyggnadsförvaltning via Medborgarservice
026-24 00 00 or e-mail vgs@sandviken.se
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Västra Gästriklands samhällsbyggnadsförvaltning - Together we create the society of the future in Hofors, Ockelbo and Sandviken.