Waste from companies and businesses
Household waste
If you have your own business, it is important to know that companies must by law have a subscription for household waste (residual waste and food waste, such as cleaning waste and food leftovers) with Gästrike återvinnare (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.. For other waste generated in your business, you can use any contractor with a permit from the county administrative board to transport waste.
Leave waste at a recycling center
You can leave different types of waste at the recycling center. More information about solutions for companies can be found at Gästrike Återvinnare - Companies (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.
Hazardous waste
Hazardous waste such as oil, oily water and sludge from the oil separator may not be left by companies at a recycling center but must be transported to an approved treatment facility. The contractor transporting the hazardous waste must have a permit from the County Administrative Board for this type of transport.
Companies where hazardous waste is generated are obliged to document quantities, types and how the waste is handled. This documentation must be presented to the supervisory authority. From November 1, 2020, companies must report the information to a new waste register at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Hazardous waste must be stored in a way that minimizes the risk of pollution to the environment. Transport documents must be drawn up showing, among other things, the quantities transported and to which recipient. Records for this must be kept by the operator.
For more information, there is an information brochure on hazardous waste aimed at smaller companies and businesses that has been produced in a collaborative project with Gästrike Återvinnare's member municipalities and Gästrike Återvinnare. There is also more information about the new way of reporting hazardous waste that applies to all businesses.
- Brochure hazardous waste (in Swedish) Pdf, 586.8 kB, opens in new window.
- Gästrike Återvinnare - Hazardous waste (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.
Own transportation of waste and/or hazardous waste
In order to transport waste and hazardous waste to, for example, a recycling center or an approved facility, the company must apply/notify the County Administrative Board of Gävleborg of its own transport of waste. For further information contact the County Administrative Board of Gävleborg.
Permit for transportation of waste - County Administrative Board of Gävleborg (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.
Wastewater with grease requires a grease trap
If your business discharges grease into the wastewater, you need a grease trap that is properly sized and emptied regularly. If you are going to install a grease trap or change the grease trap to one with a different capacity, you must notify the Västra Gästrikland community building administration in accordance with the Planning and Building Act. For questions about grease traps, contact Sandviken Energi for Sandviken municipality and Gästrike vatten for Ockelbo or Hofors municipality.
- Information about notification of grease traps (in Swedish) Opens in new window.
- Gästrike Återvinnare - Grease traps (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.
- Sandviken Energi - Your wastewater (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.
- Gästrike vatten - Grease separators (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Västra Gästriklands samhällsbyggnadsförvaltning via Medborgarservice
026-24 00 00 or e-mail vgs@sandviken.se
Sandviken Energi 026-24 16 00
Gästrike Vatten 020-37 93 00
Gästrike Återvinnare 020-63 00 63
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Västra Gästriklands samhällsbyggnadsförvaltning - Together we create the society of the future in Hofors, Ockelbo and Sandviken.