This information applies to Hofors, Ockelbo and Sandvikens municipality.
Drinking water facility
Drinking water is our most important food. It is therefore important that it is of good quality.
Municipal water
Water quality is continuously monitored at the water treatment plant. The operation is managed by Sandviken Energi (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window. in Sandviken municipality and Gästrike Vatten (in Swedish)
External link, opens in new window. in Hofors municipality and Ockelbo municipality. Sandviken Energi and Gästrike Vatten are responsible for drinking water up to the property boundary, after which it is the property owner's responsibility.
Questions about municipal water
If you have questions about the municipal drinking water, you should contact Sandviken Energi (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window. directly if the questions concern Sandviken municipality or Gästrike Vatten (in Swedish)
External link, opens in new window. if it concerns questions within Hofors municipality and Ockelbo municipality.
Västra Gästriklands samhällsbyggnadsförvaltning is the control authority for drinking water producers in Hofors, Ockelbo and Sandviken municipality and is responsible for the supervision of the water treatment plant.
Smaller drinking water facilities
Drinking water facilities that are covered by the Swedish National Food Agency's drinking water regulations (LIVSFS 2022:12) must be registered to the Västra Gästrikland's samhällsbyggnadsförvaltning. This applies to facilities that:
- on average provide more than 10 m³ of drinking water per day, or supply more than 50 people (e.g. communities).
- provide drinking water to a commercial or public activity. This applies regardless of the amount of drinking water produced or the number of people supplied. Examples of businesses include restaurants, cafés, schools, kindergartens, sports facilities, campsites and hotels.
Västra Gästriklands samhällsbyggnadsförvaltning performs regular inspections of registered drinking water facilities in order to ensure that the food legislation is followed. The drinking water producer must also regularly test their water to ensure that the drinking water is of good quality and does not exceed the limit values set out in the National Food Agency’s drinking water regulations (LIVSFS 2022:12). How often the water should be tested depends on the amount of drinking water produced.
If you are unsure whether you are subject to registration requirements, contact a food inspector via Medborgarservice on 026-24 00 00. If you start or take over a registration-required business without first notifying, you risk getting a sanction fee (glossary - Swedish National Food Agency), (in Swedish External link.).
Here you can find more information about Rules on drinking water, livsmedelsverket.se (in Swedish) External link.
Private water
Property owners who have their own well are responsible for the water quality and for keeping the well in good condition. If you are planning to buy a house with a private well and/or sewer, you can read more in the brochure on buying a house with private water and sewer (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window..
Water testing can be carried out by accredited laboratories. Contact one if you want to send water for analysis. You should primarily discuss the sample results with the laboratory, but the responsible environmental inspector can also answer questions.
Drinking water is assessed as tjänligt, tjänligt med anmärkning or otjänligt. Tjänligt means that the water is suitable for drinking and other household purposes. Tjänligt med anmärkning means that the water quality is not entirely satisfactory but does not necessarily pose any health risks but may do so for sensitive people. Otjänligt means that the water should not be used for drinking water as there is a risk to human health.
Remarks on the drinking water can be of a hygienic, technical or aesthetic nature and are stated in the analysis response. Hygienic problems in drinking water can cause direct health problems and can be caused by microorganisms, nitrite, nitrate, fluoride, radon, etc. Such water must be treated.
Technical problems in drinking water can have a negative impact on pipework and installations and can be caused by acidic water, high copper levels, high iron and manganese levels, etc. Aesthetic problems in drinking water usually result in bad taste and smell or cloudy, colored water and can be caused by high levels of soil particles, hydrogen sulphide, iron, etc.
Poor water quality can be addressed in some cases by increasing/decreasing water consumption, improving the design of the well or installing filtration equipment.
Has your well been affected by heavy rainfall?
If you have your own drinking water supply and notice changes in the look, smell and taste of your water after an intense rainfall or if your well is located in a flooded area, your well may have been affected by the rain.
If your well is in a flooded area, you should boil the water. You should also continue to boil the water for a few days after the flooding is over. Remember to boil all water that will be used for drinking or cooking.
Boil the water in a saucepan or kettle until it bubbles vigorously. Bacteria, viruses and parasites die when water is boiled. Pour the boiled drinking water into a well-cleaned jug, bottle or other container and let it cool. Leave it at room temperature or cooler - preferably in the fridge. If the water has a strange smell or taste or is clearly colored, you should avoid drinking the water even if it has been boiled.
In the event of flooding, substances can be released from the ground and surroundings that can affect the drinking water in wells. If you have your own well, it is your responsibility to check the quality of your drinking water after a flood.
After the water level in the well has returned to normal, you should send water samples for analysis*. Contact an accredited laboratory directly for more information. You should also examine your well to see if there has been any damage to it.
* The National Food Agency has listed the parameters that should be analyzed. These are listed in Annex 1 of the "National Food Agency's advice on individual drinking water supply", see the link below. This advice also contains information on various microorganisms and chemical substances that may be present in drinking water.
Further information
National Food Agency's website on drinking water External link, opens in new window.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Västra Gästriklands samhällsbyggnadsförvaltning via Medborgarservice
026-24 00 00 or e-mail vgs@sandviken.se
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Västra Gästriklands samhällsbyggnadsförvaltning - Together we create the society of the future in Hofors, Ockelbo and Sandviken.